Accelerate your clients’ performance and your club’s efficiency
Long known as a leader in the therapy field, Galileo is now a mainstay in the fitness industry as more and more health clubs embrace the benefits of whole-body vibration training.
Galileo offers a range of products optimized for use in professional health and fitness clubs, including our whole-body vibration platforms, vibration dumbbells and our new Personal Trainer device (Galileo PT) – an interactive system that provides the user with a visual display of each training in real-time.

How does it work?
While Galileo devices reflect the state of the art in mechano-stimulation science, all of our research and technology works together based on a single, very simple principle: natural walking movement. When the user stands on the Galileo platform, its side-alternating movement pattern produces a stepping motion which, in turn, causes the pelvis to tilt back and forth as it does when walking, but more rapidly. To compensate for this, the body reacts with automatic, rhythmic, reflex-controlled muscle contractions over 12 Hz, alternating between the left and right side of the body.
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Since these contractions are reflex-controlled, the user is not consciously activating the muscles. The contractions are triggered via the stretch reflex directly through the spinal cord when standing to mimic walking. Galileo devices are engineered to stimulate that same response through the nervous system automatically, and in a much more comfortable, organized way, literally causing the full muscle chain to contract and relax in the same pattern used for walking. Galileo devices equipped with wobble variation allow gains to be even further accelerated. Since muscles adapt to continuous stimuli, wobble variation helps muscles “learn” more efficiently and effectively by altering neuromotor responses. Adding wobble variation to Galileo vibration therapy is shown to improve balance, coordination, range-of-motion and functional movement activities.
Science-backed training for fast, efficient results
Supported by over 450 independent, peer-reviewed and published studies, Galileo vibration training is proven to boost muscle strength and overall athletic performance. Based on the principle of natural walking, our platform’s side-alternating vibration pattern causes the pelvis to move as it does when walking, but much more rapidly. To compensate, the body reacts with alternating, reflex-controlled muscle contractions that are practically effortless on your clients’ part, but which activate muscles throughout the entire body. As a result, your clients gain the benefits of an intense workout (strength training, improved circulation, increased metabolism) without straining their cardiovascular system or joints. All in a system that can be quickly customized to meet the individual needs of any client, easily adjusted by your staff or the users themselves.

Increased operational efficiency
While vibration training helps your clients see improvements in force, power, agility, coordination and endurance, Galileo helps your fitness center enjoy improved efficiency. For example, a Galileo platform requires only 5-10 minutes of use per training session, eliminating the logjams that form at other popular equipment. And after some initial orientation, many clients will need no staff guidance when using Galileo equipment, freeing them to help with other duties.
The better way to warmup & cool down
Compared to traditional stretching, Galileo training can reduce warmup time by 48% while providing increased agility, reduced risk of injury and other benefits. Galileo also provides an improved cool-down experience after the workout, efficiently loosening exhausted muscles, relieving soreness, improving circulation and accelerating recovery
Introducing Galileo PT:
Maximize your training capabilities.
Optimize your personnel.
While vibration training helps your clients see improvements in force, power, agility, coordination and endurance, Galileo helps your fitness center enjoy improved efficiency. For example, a Galileo platform requires only 5-10 minutes of use per training session, eliminating the logjams that form at other popular equipment. And after some initial orientation, many clients will need no staff guidance when using Galileo equipment, freeing them to help with other duties.
With our new interactive Personal Trainer system, Galileo PT, your clients can expand their performance horizons and you can deploy your staff more efficiently.
Galileo PT provides users with a standalone display tower for a real-time visual reference of each training. After a quick instruction briefing, your clients can train without further help from your staff. And Galileo PT is fully customizable to meet the needs of you and your clients, supporting four built-in modes:
- Access Control: Clients can only access the device with a digitally-encoded card, which they receive after being instructed.
- Time Accounts: Clients can train on the device for defined amounts of time. Daily and weekly limits for training duration can be added, if desired.
- Free Training: Clients are free to choose their training goal and intensity, then select an exercise from the resulting list of options. Alternately, clients can generate a complete training plan for each session.
- Predefined Programs: You can create individual training plans for clients, which are stored on their digitally-encoded cards (up to 4 training programs per card). Galileo Training Plan Manager (TPM) makes the process easy and intuitive.

Galileo Vibration training! Feel it to believe it!
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“Galileo had really helped me with my core strength, and I’m much stronger overall.”
Worth Knowing Infographics
Galileo Mechano-Stimulation Training
Research Infographics of Independent Peer-Reviewed Studies on Galileo Side-Alternating Whole Body Vibration (mechano-stimulation)
- 450+ independent peer-reviewed publications, 48 with children
- Over 23 years listed in PubMed starting with the work of Bosco in 1998
Galileo is the most researched whole body vibration training device - Other companies may refer to this research and literature however; results from one system cannot be implied to another.
Other companies may refer to this research and literature however; results from one system cannot be implied to another.
Can Galileo Training using deep squats effectively reduce fall risk and improve balance in elderly?