No other brand is backed by more research.
No other brand lives up to Galileo.
Only Galileo is supported by over 450 independent, peer-reviewed studies.
The findings don’t apply to other brands.
Solid, scientific, evidence-based research is important when developing whole body vibration (WBV) technologies. Since Galileo pioneered the field, more research has been done on Galileo WBV products than any other brand – over 450 independent, peer-reviewed studies, including 48 focused on children.
When these studies are used by other brands to claim the same outcomes, remember: the research applies only to Galileo.
We’re incredibly proud of the proven performance and outcomes of Galileo WBV products. But results from Galileo equipment are not applicable to other manufacturers’ product lines. We understand why they want to claim the same studies, but remember: there’s only one Galileo.
- Galileo is the most-researched manufacturer in WBV
- 450+ independent peer-reviewed publications, 48 with children
- Over 26 years listed in PubMed starting with the work of Bosco in 1998
Research Infographics:
Galileo Mechano-Stimulation Training
Can Galileo Mano Therapy reduce upper-limb dysfunction during Cancer Radiotherapy?
Can Galileo Therapy improve Gait Parameters in Stroke patients significantly?
Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function and muscle cross-section in Cystic Fibrosis?
Can Galileo Therapy increase muscle and lung function in Cystic Fibrosis patients?
Can Galileo Therapy + HRT be more effective for bone density than strength training + HRT?
Can 3 minutes Galileo Therapy improve balance in unilateral chronic stroke patients?
Can Galileo Therapy improve balance and muscle function in Parkinson’s patients?
Can Galileo Therapy after ACL reconstruction be more efficient than traditional therapy?
Can one minute of Galileo Therapy reduce spinal and increase corticospinal excitability?
Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function and pain in chronic fatigue syndrome patients?
Can 5 minutes Galileo Therapy increase brain activity and mobility in stroke patients?
Can Galileo Therapy increase blood-flow in the legs of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) patients?
Can 75 seconds of Galileo warm-up training increase flexibility, performance and balance?
Can one set Galileo Training + Blood Flow Restriction activate muscle Satellite cells?
Can Galileo Training change muscle histology after only 12 training sessions?
Can Galileo Training compensate the negative effects of HIT on anaerobic power?
Does Galileo Training transmit more vibrations to the head than vertical vibration training?
Are joint forces during Galileo Training higher than during vertical vibration?
Can Galileo Training over a period of 12 weeks increase bone density at the spine?
Can Galileo Training increase muscle tissue oxygenation more effectively than squatting?
Does blood-flow during Galileo Training increase with frequency and amplitude?
Does Galileo Training transmit more vibrations to the head than vertical vibration training?
Are joint forces during Galileo Training higher than during vertical vibration?
Can Galileo Therapy increase muscle power in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)?
Do Galileo Therapy effects in the elderly last 6 months after end of intervention?
Can Galileo Therapy in Ataxia patients improve blood-flow and muscle activation?
Can high frequency Galileo Therapy improve blood-flow in spinal cord injury?
Can 3 weeks of Galileo Therapy improve power and endurance in COPD patients?
Can Galileo Therapy increase Muscle Function in Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILD)?
Can Galileo Therapy improve balance, muscle power and quality of life in elderly?
Can Galileo Therapy increase balance and muscle function also in frail elderly?
Can Galileo Therapy in crease power in patients with acute COPD exacerbations?
Is in Parkinson’s regeneration after Galileo Therapy faster than after treadmill therapy?
Is Galileo Therapy + squats more demanding for COPD patients than squats only?
Can Galileo Therapy reduce spasticity and increase grip strength in Stroke patients?
Can Galileo Therapy be used to increase muscle power even after lung transplant?