Galileo® Training App. Interactive training handbook.
Galileo® Training App. Interactive training handbook. Let the Galileo® Training App inspire you and let irt Show you Galileo® exercises for different Training Tasks whenever you want. Our expert team created a large list of individual exercises for a variaty of applications like Relaxation, lower back Training or increase of power.
The Galileo Training App is about relaxation, balance, lower back training and improvement of performance. The Galileo Training App is an interactive training handbook which helps you to create individual workouts based on over 200 exercise variations. To find the right exercises they are grouped by 20 different training goals.

According to the selected exercise and intensity level the Galileo Training App will suggest all corresponding training parameters (duration, frequency, foot position and wobble mode setting) – this way Galileo Training is even more simple, more exciting and simply more fun.