Domini Anne

Meet Domini Anne, a founding Master Trainer for Galileo Movement Education, specializing in the integration of Galileo technology with mind/body movement practices. Offering weekly online group classes suitable for all levels, Domini Anne also conducts teacher training certifications for movement instructors seeking to incorporate this technology into their professional repertoire.

Explore core concepts with Domini, research insights, essential training ranges, and instructional videos to kickstart your Galileo journey. Dive deeper with in-depth training resources and on-demand workouts, or join weekly online classes to elevate your practice. Click here to learn more.

Introductory Videos

Enjoy Domini demonstrating clever, whole-body training positions with different props!

Warm Up Yoga Trapez
Full Body Range of Motion
Abs Extraordinare
Core Workout
Release Stuck Fascia – Half Roll
Myofascial Release in Minutes
Dowel Yoga Resistance
Glutes, Triangle Poses & Straddle Stretch
Shoulder Girdle Training
Upper Body Aerial Play
Aerial Body Stabilization Play
Inverted Trapeze Play
Lymphatic Circulation
Hamstring Stretch
Mano Dumbbell Slowmo
Mano Dumbbell Resistance with Stall Bars
Unwind Fascia & Carpel Tunnel Stretch
Fingers, Hands & Forearm Recovery
Playing with Props & Foot Heaven
Pilates Cadillac & Galileo
Maximum Upper Extremity & Body Stabilization
Stall Bars, Resistance, Body Stabilization
8 Minute Full Body Workout with Mobility Ball
Pilates Studio PRO -Fast Forward

Mind/Body Fitness