Better movement. Better results.
Neuromuscular development in children requires movement. Sadly, the kids who need this development the most are often those who are least able to achieve enough movement on their own. That’s why more and more pediatric therapists and families are using and recommending Galileo devices.
Galileo provides high repetition, voluntary and automatic side-alternating mechano-stimulation throughout the muscle chain in a short time. The result? Kids with neuromuscular limitations can achieve normal development in a wide variety of interconnected ways while positioned standing, sitting, hands, and lying.
How does it work?
While Galileo devices reflect the state of the art in mechano-stimulation science, all of our research and technology works together based on a single, very simple principle: natural walking movement. When a child stands on the Galileo platform, its side-alternating movement pattern produces a stepping motion which, in turn, causes the pelvis to tilt back and forth as it does when walking, but more rapidly. To compensate for this, the body reacts with automatic, rhythmic, reflex-controlled muscle contractions over 12 Hz, alternating between the left and right side of the body.
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Since these muscle contractions are reflex-controlled, the child is not consciously activating the muscles. The contractions are triggered via the stretch reflex directly through the spinal cord when standing to mimic walking. Galileo devices are engineered to stimulate that same response through the nervous system automatically, and in a much more comfortable, organized way, literally causing the full muscle chain to contract and relax in the same pattern used for walking.
Galileo devices equipped with wobble variation allow gains to be even further accelerated. Since muscles adapt to continuous stimuli, wobble variation helps muscles “learn” more efficiently and effectively by altering neuromotor responses. Adding wobble variation to Galileo vibration therapy is shown to improve balance, coordination, range-of-motion and functional movement activities.
Efficient & effective for kids of all ages
Galileo is helping children of all ages and all levels of ability achieve the movement they need for normal neuromuscular development. By relying on automatic reflexes above 12 Hz rather than voluntary movements, Galileo devices enable users to move with less effort while producing massive repetitions at a rapid pace, making therapy much more efficient.
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By prioritizing each child’s personalized therapy goals at their developmental stage and translating normal therapy exercises onto the Galileo while using the optimal frequency:
Wobble Variation
Body Posture
Results can be achieved more rapidly and with many more repetitions than with standard therapy. As new skills are learned, task-specific progressions and meaningful play activities are added to promote the child’s functional skill acquisition.
Better, faster, proven pediatric therapy
Galileo devices are embraced by pediatric specialists, physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and parents who appreciate how our proven technology optimizes pediatric therapy. They also value the 400+ independent published studies over 25 years that document Galileo is a safe, evidence-based tool that delivers meaningful clinical improvements – including 47 studies focused exclusively on pediatric usage.
By incorporating Galileo devices into pediatric hospitals, clinics, practices and home-based therapy, you’ll provide kids with proven, state-of-the-art technologies that:
- Build muscles and promote functional skills
Reduce spasticity and carryover - Increase stretching and flexibility for function
Improve balance and coordination - Build core strength and control
- Increase alignment and greater body awareness in space
- Enhance strong cognitive brain development and synapses through massive neuromuscular activity and movement cycles
- Process and integrate spinal cord learning
- Increase respiratory function and endurance
- Activate speech production and oral motor control
- Improve attention and sensory regulation for maximal participation
- Increase blood flow and stimulate metabolism
- Prevent or improve osteoporosis

What conditions/diagnosis does Galileo therapy help with?
• Cerebral Palsy – GMFCS I-IV • Hypotonia • Hypertonia • Brain injury • Osteogenesis Imperfecta • Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy • Dystonia • Ataxia • Spinal Bifida • Spinal Muscle Atrophy • Acute Flaccid Myelitis • Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy • Spinal Cord Injury • Arthrogryposis • Brachial Plexus Injury • Down Syndrome • Other Genetic Conditions • Global Impairments – Developmental Delays • Autism • Cancer • Cystic Fibrosis • Orthopedic conditions • Sports injuries
What are contraindications and precautions for Galileo devices?
• Epilepsy precaution – due to secondary risk of injury from falls • Pregnancy • Fresh Fractures – in trained regions (10-12 weeks) • Implants – in trained regions (hips & knees) • Wound healing – in trained regions • Acute Stroke • Rheumatoid arthritis (stage 3-4) • Acute thrombosis – vascular contriction • Acute discopathy • Retina detachment
Galileo devices have no contraindications for these adult or child therapies.
• Pins • Rods • Shunts • Baclofen pumps • Pacemaker • Defibrillators • Cochlear implants
“I see amazing results in very young children that are low tone and their bodies are not set up for extension. They don’t know how to activate those muscles. I’ve had three clients that wouldn’t bear weight at all. But the minute they got on the Galileo, all of a sudden they’re just standing up. “
“Galileo Training definitely benefits total body function through reducing spasticity, increasing muscle strength, and increasing attention to tasks. It’s a great tool because you can see results in a short period of time.”
“With the Galileo, we have achieved success in decreasing fixing patterns of tone and improving range of motion, sensation, proprioception, balance, and strength in a relatively short amount of time.”
“With Galileo training, in children with cerebral palsy, I’m seeing release of tone/co-contraction strategies, increased balance and improved freedom of movement with every pediatric client, across the board.”
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Worth Knowing Kids Infographics
Galileo Mechano-Stimulation Training
Research Infographics of Independent Peer-Reviewed Studies on Galileo Side-Alternating Whole Body Vibration (mechano-stimulation)
- 450+ independent peer-reviewed publications, 48 with children
- Over 23 years listed in PubMed starting with the work of Bosco in 1998
Galileo is the most researched whole body vibration training device - Other companies may refer to this research and literature however; results from one system cannot be implied to another.
Other companies may refer to this research and literature however; results from one system cannot be implied to another.
Galileo Research Facts No. 169: Can Galileo Therapy improve Muscle Function in Down Syndrome?
Galileo Research Facts No. 171: Can Galileo Therapy improve walking distance in kids with CP GMFCS level 1 & 2?
Can Galileo Therapy improve muscle function and gait parameters in Spina Bifida patients?